About this website


‘For Teachers for students’ (FTfs) is owned by Kids Media Pty Ltd, an Australian company, operating since 1987, that specialises in communicating with teachers and students across all Australian education systems.

Go to Contact us for our contact details.

About the website

‘For Teachers for students’ was launched in July 2008 and has since grown into a well-respected and highly visited website for lower primary, primary and middle-years teachers and home-school educators.

The website has been specifically designed for busy educators who want fast and intuitive access to flexible, curriculum-appropriate education resources that can be easily adapted to meet the learning needs of their students.

Our aims are to:

  • assist busy teachers and home school educators to find locally produced, curriculum-appropriate resources on a wide range of topics
  • ensure FTfs content is well-written – good literacy is a priority
  • deploy education resources and programs that are widely accepted by educators as being of benefit to the wellbeing of children.

‘For Teachers for students’ education resources are available to teachers without prior registration.